Quilt Squares

 One of my first pieces which I appliqued a Rooster on and gave to my sister who loves Roosters and Chickens.

      This little quilt I made because I loved the pattern. It is called and Antique Tile square. I would like to make a larger one sometimes. I think it may be one of my favorite designs. 
This one I made and gave to my son. It is trimmed with a flannel binding and back.Just big enough to cover up while watching TV.
Star Square I made and then decided too tedious to make into a quilt. If you notice it is the same material I used to make my sons quilt above.

Bright and Cheery Quilt I made and gave to my father-in-law.
Close up of square of  Bright and Cheery Quilt
Baby quilt for my nephews baby

Another quilt square from the Bright and Cheery Quilt


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